The Four State Challenge...

42 miles of the famous Appalacian Trail stretch from the Virginia border to the Pennsylvania border on the Mason-Dixon Line. The four state challenge is to walk that distance in one day. My son and I are training independently for this and will attempt this hike together on or around May 11. That being the same weekend as Comfort Care Womens' Health's Walk for Life, I'm seeking sponsors for our walk as part of Comfort Care's fund -raising walk. Comfort Care Women's Health is a non-profit , locally funded ministry devoted to providing teens and adults with information and support regarding unplanned pregnancy, post-abortion trauma and sexuality issues.

Help us meet our goal by clicking on our Email Form and leaving your name and address. In the message area please put your pledge amount and specify that it is for "Walk for Life." Or you may mail a check made out to Comfort Care Women's Health to:

Comfort Care Women's Health
1020 North Augusta Street
Staunton, VA 24401.

Please write "WFL-Kirchman" in the memo line of the check. The Center will issue you a receipt as contributions are tax deductable.
Thank You!
Copyright 2007, Kirchman Associates

